Today’s Retrofit Presses: Meeting the Demand for Digital Printing

June 6, 2017

It’s not news that digital printing is on the rise. But what is surprising is just how fast digital printing is growing.

 A market study conducted by Smithers Pira, entitled The Future of Digital Printing to 2024, reports that in 2013, the global digital print market was worth $120.9 billion. By 2024, Smithers Pira projects that the total digital market will reach 225 percent of that value.

The driving force behind this growth is the demand more personalized communications and ever-shorter offset runs. Digital inkjet printing solutions enable printers to economically produce these types of targeted, relevant communications, leading to new business opportunities and greater revenue potential.

But the move to digital printing is not without its challenges. Buying a new digital press is expensive and can require the printer to adopt a completely new workflow and skill set. To add even more pressure, the expense of the digital press means the printer must quickly generate a positive return on their investment.

The good news is that today, there’s a faster, easier and less expensive way to get into digital printing: a retrofit solution.

Is Retrofit Right for Your Business?

Memjet is sponsoring a webinar titled “The Missing Piece to Your Analog Press: The Commercial Retrofit Advantage.”

At the webinar, you’ll hear the first-hand experience of how a midsize commercial printer named Still Creek Press successfully made the move into digital printing by retrofitting its business-forms press into a high-speed digital printing platform.

Attendees of the webinar will learn:

How to determine if a commercial retrofit is right for your organization

  • The disadvantages of printing on an analog press in today’s market and the solutions an inkjet retrofit can provide to help your business run more efficiently
  • The different applications appropriate for inkjet and how to determine which ones are a good fit for your business
  • How to find your breakeven point to affordably print small and large volume jobs that are still financially viable for your company efficiently
  • How to capture more business by understanding the value of inkjet and introduce, customized, high-quality, variable data print jobs at an affordable cost

Join us!

This webinar will be held soon:

Date: June 13, 2017

Time: 02:00 PM EDT

Duration: 60 minutes

Click here to register for this upcoming webinar.

Click here to learn more about the JFlex870 Retrofit Digital Print Conversion System from IPT Digital.

What Can Memjet
Technology Do For You?

Whether you are an OEM looking to integrate Memjet technology into your printing solution, a print provider looking for the right Powered by Memjet product or a brand owner who wants to use digital inkjet printing technology in new and interesting ways, we can help.