Supercharging your Superfood Packaging

July 31, 2017

Superfoods are one of the food industries largest growing markets. Loosely defined, a superfood is any food thought to have heightened nutritional benefits and functional uses for one’s health. With an increasing public interest in health in wellness, superfoods are having more than a moment in the world of food.

  • Between 2011 and 2015 there was a 202% global increase in superfood product launches
  • 85% of consumers seek out some type of “superfood” when shopping
  • Over ¼ of Americans think functional foods could be used in place of some medicines

Now, mainstream grocers and retail giants like Target and Walmart are bringing turmeric, maca, and moringa to their shelves. As their popularity rises, so does the competition, with dozens of brands often extending across a “superfood” aisle.

Ensuring your brand stands out often comes down to one important feature: product packaging. Whether you’re utilizing flexible packaging, shiny labels, or both, digital printing is the key to curating a product that conveys your brand’s voice and captures your customer’s attention.

On-demand digital printing makes it easy to curate the perfect customized labels for your product. With affordable short runs, you can easily test out packaging’s biggest trends, like personalization, without cutting costs where it counts.

Here’s a look at 3 important features to consider when getting into the superfood game:

Show off your Certifications

USDA Organic. Non-GMO. Vegan. Gluten Free. Kosher.

About 1/2 of U.S. consumers follow a special diet, and ¾ avoid specific ingredients or additives like dairy, wheat, and pesticides.

So, ensuring your products certifications are front and center is crucial. Sunfood Superfoods, a San Diego based superfood manufacturer, is an excellent example of how to pull this off.

Their labels do double duty, displaying official certification symbols along the bottom of their label and then again in the top right corner in an easy-to-read format:

With digital printing, it’s quick and easy to print custom labels, adding or removing new certification symbols and providing transparent and informative product packaging.

Clean, Clear Labeling is Key

Similar to certifications, transparency in your nutritional labels is important to gain consumer trust in your brand, especially among demographics interested in superfoods.

Over 3/4 of U.S consumers claim to regularly study ingredients of food products and a whopping 98% of consumers believe it’s important for them to consider the ingredients in the food products they buy.

The simpler you make this for them, the more likely they are to choose your product. Show off your clean- few additives or chemicals- ingredient list in a bold font against a white background so consumers aren’t left asking questions and instead can grab, go, and enjoy your superfood.

Pictures that Pop

Maca, Moringa, Matcha. Most people could hardly say that three times fast, let alone tell you what each one looks like.

Make the goji berries’ vibrant red pop against a white background, like Sunfood Superfoods style.

Or, play around with extending your superfoods color across the entire package, making the foods’ vivid color part of the brand- Kuli Kuli foods did with their moringa powder.

These are just some suggestions to get you started in the superfood game. And with Memjet’s inkjet technology, short runs are easy and affordable so you can play around with packaging and labels until they’re perfect.

What Can Memjet
Technology Do For You?

Whether you are an OEM looking to integrate Memjet technology into your printing solution, a print provider looking for the right Powered by Memjet product or a brand owner who wants to use digital inkjet printing technology in new and interesting ways, we can help.